Yes.. thats me in my graduation outfit. I, Cher Minn have officially graduated from the Canadian International Matriculation Program (CIMP)! This also marks me being here for almost a year since i got back from Germany, oh how i miss it there. CIMP has been the most dramatic and adventurous experience i have ever had, it is definitely a good and bad one. Nothing is perfect after all, in life there is always ups and downs but at the end of the day we move on. We can't live for the past, we can remember the past and live for the future!
Before graduation..
I have never had prom, not in high school or when i was in Germany. This was my first prom and i must say that it was really really fun but it was just too short. It was really fun getting ready for prom, i wore my mom's vintage dress which is absolutely FA-BU-LOUS and my silver shiny heels, what more can a girl ask for? ;)
Guess who got nominated for prom queen? Actually a lot of us got nominated, most of my friends but they pulled out at the last minute =.=' and by the time i wanted to do that it was too late. I didn't regret it though, it was definitely a good experience. I can't believe i cat walk to the stage, i thought i was going to trip, fall or something embarrassing would happen but thank goodness that didn't happen, it was definitely fun and i am honoured to be nominated, thank you to those who nominated me :')
The day ended with a lot of pictures taken and a fun sleepover at my house :)